A record of the final proceedings is here.
We invite you to join the 11th BIOGEOMON conference, the first to be held in a tropical setting.
When: Sunday (evening), 7 January through Thursday, 11 January, 2024. The program is now available here.
Where: College of General Studies (Facultad de Estudios Generales), University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Plenary hall– Auditorium #3; Room 2 – Auditorium #2; Room 3 – Auditorium #5; Parking is here.
Sponsors: Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research (LUQ-LTER), International Institute for Tropical Forestry, and the University of New Hampshire. We have partnered with the University of New Hampshire to manage Abstract Submissions and Meeting Registration, including fees processing, through their Learn For Life system.
BIOGEOMON 11 will honor the time-tested BIOGEOMON traditions of a Sunday night reception, Tuesday night banquet, and Wednesday field trip. There is limited space (register early to sign up!) on the field trip to research sites in the nearby Luquillo Experimental Forest, which is also designated as the El Yunque National Forest. There will be a Special Issue of Biogeochemistry from the conference, details coming soon.
Talk and poster guidelines:
Speaking slots are 15 minutes total including time for questions and answers.
Posters will be displayed on walls in areas outside the speaking rooms. We recommend posters be at least 36 inches wide but there is no specific size requirement.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
Registration information
Registration, managed by the University of New Hampshire, is $550 regular, or $400 for students and is open now go here to register. The registration deadline is Friday, 1 December. If you have been awarded a travel subsidy, the registration deadline will be Tuesday, 21 November. Travel and registration subsidies are available, limited registration fee subsides are available both for people living in Puerto Rico and for people traveling to Puerto Rico.
Travel subsidies
Partial travel subsidies are available for students, early career scientists, and scientists from groups underrepresented in STEM who are students at or employed by US-based (including US territories) institutions. Apply here. Applications will be accepted until all funds have been distributed.
Winter is high season for tourism in Puerto Rico. We have slotted Biogeomon in a lower-demand period between holidays, but we encourage you to arrange lodging early. See our travel and lodging page for suggestions.

BIOGEOMON 10 took place in Tartu, Estonia in 2022, with 200 participants. For more about the history of BIOGEOMON see: