Download the book: BIOGEMON 2024 Book of Abstracts

Edited by James B. Shanley, Miguel Leon, Willam H. McDowell, Amanda A. Olsen, Thomas
Korstanje, Juan G. Garcia-Cancel and Pavel Kram
ISBN 978-80-7673-116-5

Cover artwork of Ava Shanley shows Rio Mameyes flowing through the Luquillo
Experimental Forest (destination of the BIOGEOMON field trip) and into the Atlantic Ocean
in northeastern Puerto Rico.

Organizers and sponsors:
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
International Institute for Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research (LUQ-LTER), Puerto Rico, USA
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA
Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic

Session 1: Tropical biogeochemistry – Monday January 8th starting at 1:45 PM in Auditorium 3

Session 2: Aquatic Carbon Cycling in the Anthropocene: from Molecules to Meta-Analyses – Tuesday January 9th starting at 9:30 AM in Auditorium 3

Session 3: Soil carbon stabilization and C sequestration – Monday January 8th starting at 1:45 PM in Auditorium 2

Session 4: Change in the Anthropocene: Nutrient cycling  — Eutrophication to Oligotrophication – Tuesday January 9th starting at 1:30 PM in Auditorium 2

Session 5: Wetland hydrology and biogeochemistry – Thursday January 11th starting at 10:45 AM in Auditorium 3

Session 6: Metal and biogeochemical cycling on geological and historical timescales — Paleoreconstructions – Tuesday January 9th starting at 9:30 AM in Auditorium 5

Session 7: Modeling and synthesis for scaling biogeochemical cycling across space and time – Posters only

Session 8: Biogeochemical response to extreme events – Thursday January 11th starting at 10:45 AM in Auditorium 2

Session 9: Solute and sediment generation across watersheds and scales – Tuesday January 9th starting at 1:30 PM in Auditorium 5

Session 10: Plant-soil-microbe interactions as drivers of ecosystem processes – Tuesday January 9th starting at 9:30 AM in Auditorium 2